Monday, 30 April 2012

Healthy Eating for Kids in India

Cow’s milk is the complete nutrition for your child. Like adults, your child’s diet should also include 3 meals and two nutritious snacks every day. Teach him healthy food habits like green vegetables and fresh fruits. You should try to avoid low nutritious food items for your child likes sweet dessert, candies, soft drinks and chips. A proper nutritious diet can reduce large number of medical problems. It also increases the stamina of your child.

A balanced nutritious diet includes a number of facts. Don’t restrict your child to a single food item. Encourage him to eat variety of food. Also include physical activity for balancing the food properly. Nutritious diet includes leafy green vegetables and fresh fruits. Choose a diet moderates in sugars and low in fat. Balanced diet should include food item rich in calcium. Calcium is necessary for meeting the requirements of a healthy growing body.

Make regular exercise and healthy eating habits as a daily routine of your life. Your child will enjoys healthy food habits with the complete family instead of doing it alone. Your child’s body becomes hydrated quickly as compared to others. Ask your child to drink excessive water. Fat is also an essential requirement by the growing children. The child under the age of two should not have the ant fat restriction. Read More...

Nurture your toddler for Healthy Growth

An ideal development of child is very important for every parent. To develop healthy child with clean habits, good manners and perfect attitude, it is very important to take proper care and educate your child from childhood. Your toddler is such that you can mould in your way as you wish.  It depends on you that how you behave with your toddler and what you teach them. It is like blank blackboard, how best you can write it reflects fine. Whatever you speak, behave or do your toddler blindly follows you. Therefore, it is very important for parents to speak and behave gently to teach discipline to your toddler.

It is very difficult to teach all good habits and daily activities perfectly during development stages of toddler. There are various things that parent specially mother should care such that make them eating healthy food, daily activities like brushing, bathing, potty training, etc. Keep your home clean and give healthy diet for healthy growth of your toddler. Read More...

How to start Breast feeding?

Breastfeeding is good for all babies because it will keep the bonding between the baby and the mother strong. Not only that, breast milk is also the complete form of nutrition for your infant. It has the perfect amount of fat, protein, carbohydrate, and minerals. Other formulas cannot equal the breast milk of a mother. Anything that is not natural is just harder for their bodies.

Nursing your baby at the first few months of his life offers more benefits to your child. Frequent breastfeeding is advisable because more studies show that babies who are exclusively breastfeed within the first six (6) months are less likely to develop upper-respiratory and ear infections and diarrhea. Although breastfeeding is recommended up to 4 years, but the closer you get to twelve (12) months of breastfeeding, the more benefits your child will have.

You should nurse your newborn when he shows signs of hunger, such as increase alertness or activity. Ideally, breastfeeding must be done before your baby starts to cry because babies usually sleep when they are still in their first few weeks. You must wake him up gently and begin breastfeeding while he may fall asleep again at the middle of your nursing. If ever he’s not awake after four (4) hours of sleep since the last time you nurse, wake him up again and continue breastfeeding. Read More...

Abnormalities of the uterus

Basic Information about Uterus

The uterus is a pear shaped organ. The length of the uterus is 7.5 cm, depth is 2.5 cm and it is 5 cm wide. The uterus has thick muscular walls and hollow from inside. This is the place where an egg changes into a baby. The upper portion of the uterus is also called fundus. Around five percent women are suffering from uterus abnormalities. Most of them are not aware about uterus abnormalities as it does not affect their fertility. In this article, our main focus is to discuss about abnormalities of the uterus.

Some Common problems of the Uterus

The most common problem is bicornuate uterus. Bicornuate uterus means uterus with two horns. In this problem shape of the uterus is not common like pear. The shape of the bicornuate uterus is like a heart with a sharp curve at the top. The main complication of this uterus is that baby has less space to grow instead of normal womb. The woman suffering from this problem has greater chances of premature delivery or feet first delievery. In this case, most of the births are the result of operation. Read More...

Thursday, 26 April 2012

When is the baby Ready for the solid food?

Right Time to Start Solid Food for the Baby

As you find your baby is growing well, you need to familiar with her/his habits. You also need to understand her digestive system when your baby becomes six months old. You need not worry to give your baby solid food before six months because infant digestive system cannot digest solid food. Even first stage of cereals is not recommended for less than six months old baby.

Serving right type of solid food is essential for infant’s healthy growth. Parents are always eager that their baby likes new food and flavors. If you try to give your baby solid foods before six months it might harm your baby’s digestive system. Up to six months baby’s intestinal tract may not be fully developed. In such case if you try to give her solid food, then your baby get digestive problem like gas, constipation or stomach pain. It also causes to develop food allergies. If your baby gets hungrier, you can give bottle feeding. Take advice of your baby’s pediatrician that what type of food is appropriate for your baby.

Know your baby is ready for solid food

You need to observe your baby carefully for her/his complete growth. Your more attention can benefits your baby and yourself on long-term. Read More...

Caring for the new born baby

Take Gentle Care of Your New Born Baby

During your hospital stay for few days after giving birth to your baby, nurses and midwives help you take care of your baby. They give you important tips to take care of your baby do and don’t for new born baby and many more. It really helps you take care of baby when you came back to home with your new born baby. If you are living with your in-laws, then you find their support and guidance to care your baby. You need to keep nurse or midwife for minimum 10 days or for one month. She can help you in massaging, bathing, changing diapers of your baby. You will find yourself busy for whole the day to look after your baby.

Keep everything handy

If you manage properly and find some good tips from your elder relatives, mother or in-laws, you find some relief to care your baby.

- You need everything ready for your baby like her clothes, diaper, bottle [if baby need], wipes, cotton wool, baby lotion, ointment for rashes, cotton mats, soft blanket for baby, napkins and medicines. Arrange everything properly at one place or in cupboard so you can find it easily when it requires. Read More...

Newborn Sleeping Habits

Ideal Sleeping Time Need for Newborn Baby

Sleeping style of newborn babies is different in all babies, but generally newborn babies sleep well during day and night if they are in good health. Some parents get troubled due to their newborn baby awake in night and not sleep well like other newborn babies. Sleeping habits of newborns are not similar, generally a newborn baby sleep for 17 – 20 hours [including day and night sleeping hours] in a day. Some babies with less sleeping habits sleep for only 11 hours including day and night sleeping hours. Some baby cry in night as crying is the only communication way that your baby knows. Therefore, you need to understand reasons for your baby’s crying by observing her habits for feeding, sleeping, awaking or changing diaper.

Newborn’s Sleeping Habits

Newborn baby of one or two days old, sleep well for some days. After few days they start awaking in night as per their cycle of sleeping. There are many reasons for your baby not sleeping well at night such as if she gets hungry, diaper change time or she/he does not wants to sleep if baby completed her/his sleep in daytime. If it is time for diaper change, you can change diaper and try to make your baby sleep by giving her/him bottle or breastfed. Read More...

Baby Development Milestones

Milestones of your Baby’s Growth

When your baby came in your life, you get very excited to nourish your love one with tender care. Mother and father both try to make all efforts for their baby’s healthy growth. Sometimes many parents cannot spare more time for their baby due to many reasons such as job, work at home, etc. In such case they do not understand that their baby growing perfectly or not. Good preliminary development is essential for newborn baby.

You should notice development stages of your baby and know that your baby is growing perfectly or not.

For First One Month

Your baby is reacting on some causes such as when she hears some loud noise, she gets frighten. Baby begins to smile. Your baby tries to lie on tummy. When you carry baby’s head, she/he can’t balance it and fall ahead or back; capable to lift and turns head. She always keeps her hands close. Arms and legs extend outward.

2 Months Baby

As baby becomes two months old she/he reacts more to her parents than others. She/he shows a liking of sleeping positions with relaxation. She/he smiles, laughs and also able to lift her head slightly. Your baby can sleep well during night. Read More...

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Body Changes after Birth

Mothers often after giving birth responds to it in varied ways; others may feel happy, others feel satisfied and perceive it as an achievement, others may feel depressed and battered among others. For some of the mothers they could be recovering from a major surgery that enabled them deliver a situation that require them to be kind and avoid more worries to themselves.

After giving birth, mothers often feel weak and exhausted but for others it is just another day with little abdominal pain that brings them no worry at all. Being a mother is the greatest happiness for a woman as they enable a tiny seed grow into a human being who will impact the way of living tomorrow.

Changes that are experienced during pregnancy are never permanent and therefore great advice must be provided to mothers who have just given birth because this ensure that they do not develop stress which would retard the fast response of the body organs after birth.

Weight reduction
Weight before and immediately after birth becomes an issue to the mother and thus there is an eventual reduction in weight so as to ensure the mother lives in healthy condition. Read More....

Week 16 of Pregnancy

You are well into the second trimester of your pregnancy duration, in forthcoming days the movement of the baby can be felt, and it brings a lot of happiness into you. Initially you may feel flutter and soon you are going to feel the hiccups and kicks. Soreness in the abdomen increases as your child gets bigger; your breast is slowly getting ready for producing milk for your baby. You may experience changes in mood, headaches, and dizziness at this stage mainly due to continuous pulsing of pregnancy harmones into your system to direct baby growth.

Baby’s growth and development
  • At this stage, the baby weighs around 3 and a half ounces and is about 4 to 5 inches long.
  • Baby’s head is more erect as compared to the previous weeks. The baby starts to look more humanly now.
  • This is the time period in which your baby’s eye sight and eye lashes are developing. An important fact is that the baby can sense light now, although the eyelids remain shut. Read More...

What Do I Do If My Waters Break Early

During any pregnancy the baby is always cushioned by the amniotic fluid made of bag containing membranes. In cases where there is a tear in the bag due to any form of damage then the fluid leaks out through the cervix into the vagina a situation normally referred to as water breaking. This scenario is common for those cases where the pregnant mothers are not careful on what they do to care for their unborn babies as they carry out many different activities of the day. Many women are prone to this situation as they approach the end of those first stages of labor.

Water breaking tend to happen in those last weeks such as week thirty seven but this one does not require urgent medical care compared to those which occur before this last week. Should this situation occur before week thirty seven then adequate attention from medical experts must be sought immediately because the baby may develop more complications during birth and end up missing chances to live. Amniotic fluid holds the life of the baby and so a tear in it earlier than expected will therefore mean that the surrounding environment for the baby is no longer in good condition if that water breaks at earlier stages of pregnancy.

Water breaking at thirty seven week means that the mother has started to have labor and so the doctor now begin to offer close attention to the mother as it seems giving birth is very close to happen.

Are You Ready For Fatherhood

Starting a family requires the dual role and effort for both the mother and the father and that’s a fact. In pregnancy, the same applies. Would be fathers should realize that though it’s the mother that goes through the process of pregnancy, their role of support and as provider of needs, should be as equal as the mother’s sacrifice in bearing the child.

All the expectantly waiting fathers should not consider pregnancy as only the job of the mother. Do not forget, that you too have an important role to play here. To start with, all conventional beliefs about incredible powers of the so-called productiveness foods are purely an imaginary tale. However, that does not rule out the significance of a hale and hearty lifestyle and good food habits. Healthy nourishment can very much perk up your odds of a rapid change from a spouse to a would-to-be-father. Eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and dairy products each day will help ensure that you get the suggested dietary grant when it comes to the nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for the most favorable reproductive accomplishment.

Motherhood is hard, but becoming a father is equally difficult. Before fitting into the position of an expectant father, you have to ensure that your spouse is also made up her mind to move into motherhood. Be sure that both of you have advanced in your marriage life and do not anticipate too many difficulties in the future. You are advancing in your career and have saved enough money. Read More...

Friday, 13 April 2012

How to choose a pediatrician for newborn?

Paediatrics, sometimes spelled as pediatrics, is a branch of medicine which deals with medical care of new-born babies and children, up to the age of adolescence. The experts in adult medicine are not qualified to deal with infants and children, because, the small body of an infant is considerably different from the body of the grown-ups. The body of a child which is at a growing state behaves somewhat differently from that of an adult and accordingly, its needs are different too. For example, oncology, immunology and a host of other areas fall under the specialized area of paediatrics.

Who is a paediatrician?

A paediatrician is a doctor who has specialization to care for your baby. The importance of choosing the right doctor for your baby can not be over emphasized. It will be an important decision you will make for your baby for its health and well-being. The paediatrician will care for your child beginning from its birth till it grows up, providing all the necessary care for its health including immunizations. Paediatricians also help the parents to deal with issues such as the physical and mental growth and development of the baby, and also with the illness and injuries that are sure to come as the child grows up. Hence it is very vital to find a specialized doctor at an appropriate time. Read More..

Breastfeeding problems and how to overcome them

Breastfeeding is a common problem faced by most of the moms after delivery. In this article our main focus is to discuss about 10 most common breastfeeding problems and their solutions.

Latching Pain

Sore nipple is the common problem faced by women after first delivery. In case of latched nipples, pain continues for longer hours. If you are also suffering from same problem then you should work on the position of the baby. Baby should cover most of the area below the nipple instead of top area through mouth. Take small breaks and keep your index finger inside the mouth of your baby. Only good positions can improve the latching pain of the nipples.

Even after correct position of the baby, you may suffer from latching pain. The reason for this problem may be dry nipples. You should wear loose clothes during breastfeeding. You should not wash nipples with soap. You can also apply some cream for reducing the breastfeeding problem. Read More..

When Not To Exercise During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a lot more interactive process which requires many mothers to organize their chores accordingly so that in the long run they are able to sustain safely their pregnancies until deliveries. Other activities will not be avoided and mothers are supposed to be careful to their movements as they form part of the daily exercises in life so that such may not compromise with the baby development. Different pregnancy dates or periods require varying amounts of attention and so mothers are supposed to be careful not to overindulge in unnecessary activities.

Several conditions may make the mother to avoid exercising; conditions may also be confirmed and directed by experts such as doctors and other persons providing adequate care to the pregnant mum.
The following conditions may make the mother to avoid exercising and they include;
High blood pressure

Presence of high blood pressure during pregnancy which may be increased by more exercise by the mother. Blood flow in the body is vital for coordinated transport and supply of the needed oxygen in the body and so its circulation must be cared for by maintaining the blood flow as much as possible. Read More...

Can a holiday help you get pregnant?

As we all know it takes more than one night for getting pregnant. But situation becomes complicated when the time span crosses the one year or even more. There is not only a single reason for your infertility and in turns it develops more stress for you. In this situation, Conceptionmoons can be the solution of your problem. Honey moon makes the life free from home and work stress. This also can increase the chances of fertility for you.

This is the time to get relaxed with your partner and enjoy every moment of life with him. Honey moon also makes the relationship more intense and powerful. You can make the occasion funnier with some romantic techniques. According to a research 40 percent women got pregnant during their Conceptionmoons. This is an interesting idea to spend some loving moments with your partner and share your life with him. Some couples plan honey moons only to get pregnant. Indian couples should also focus on Conceptionmoons for getting pregnant soon without any infertility problem.

How Conceptionmoons work for getting pregnant?

Stress is the biggest reason for infertility in man and woman. Because of stress woman is not able to hold egg in her uterus. Man is also not able to produce healthy sperms because of stress. A stress free life balances all sex hormones in the body and helps in conceiving a healthy baby. A stressed partner doesn’t love to make sex daily that can cause infertility problems. Read More...

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Indian Baby Shower Ceremony - Godh Bharai Rasam

Godh Bharai is a special occasion for Hindu married woman. This is a most common event during 7th month of pregnancy in North India. In other parts of India also this event is very common. In different parts, this occasion is famous with different names. This occasion is famous as Shaad in Bengal, Seemandham in Kerala, and Valaikappu in Tamil Nadu.  The common meaning of Godh Bharai in Hindu tradition is filling the lap with kid.

During seventh month of pregnancy, the baby has reached to the safe stage. This occasion is celebrated usually at the end of 7th month or in the starting of 8th month. The main significance of Godh Bharai is to welcome a little baby in your family. During this occasion, lap of the mother is filled with various gifts and fruits. This is a symptom of joy and happiness in the life of parents.

In the different parts of the world, this occasion is celebrated in different style. But all styles signify a single thing that you are doing it to welcome the new little baby. Parents are very excited for his baby in advance. They purchase new clothes for their baby in advance. This occasion includes many special accessories like jewellery, gifts, fruits and sweets. Singing and dancing are also included in this special event. Read More...

The Uterus Tuberculosis (TB) during Pregnancy

Tuberculosis or TB is a disease that caused by infection. An infectious disease TB affects lungs in primary stage and then, spread through the bloodstream and infects other parts of the body. TB of the uterus is caused in the lining of uterus. Pelvic TB or genital tuberculosis is caused when the infection spreads from the fallopian tubes to the uterine lining.

Cause for the Uterus Tuberculosis (TB)

Tuberculosis is not a genetic disease as it caused by infection when someone comes in contact with active TB patient by coughs, sneeze or spit that releases bacteria in the air. In such case TB bacteria may affect a pregnant woman if she comes in contact with such a person. She can also be affected as TB bacteria enters in the lungs of a woman first and then affect her genital organs after some time. Infection starts from woman's fallopian tubes and then spreads down to the uterus. The uterine TB is widely spread in India and according to the research, approximately 17 percentage of women with lung TB gets affected with the uterus and pelvic TB.

Signs of TB of the uterus

There are no evident symptoms for TB in uterus as the bacteria of TB remains hidden for nearly 10 to 20 years in body of infected person. You can find some sign to identify the TB of uterus such as disturbances of menstrual, abrupt loss in weight, pelvic pain, fever for a long time, infertility and vaginal discharges. Diagnosis of genital tuberculosis becomes difficult as there are no clear symptoms initially. Your doctor can advice you for further test if required.  Read More..

Exercising Towards a Flat Stomach after pregnancy

Although pregnancy is the wonderful period in life for any women, during and after pregnancy period women has to suffer many ways both physically and mentally. Due to labor pain while giving birth to baby women have to suffer lot while after pregnancy they have to do many physical exercises to come back in their original shape. Large stomach is the major problems for mostly all women after pregnancy as it will take time for them to make their stomach flat. Women who need to perform many physical exercises in their routine life may find their original shape and flat stomach very soon in compare to women with no physical activities.

Right Time to Start Exercise after Pregnancy

You should not become impatience from your enlarge tummies as it takes time to obtain original figure due to various reasons. Few reasons are stretched out abdominal muscles, leftover fluids in your uterus. Your uterus will take time to shrink to its normal size. It will take three months to nine months time to obtain your normal shape.

After giving birth to baby, women should wait for minimum six weeks to start exercise in case of normal delivery. In case of cesarean delivery women should wait for minimum eight weeks to start exercises. It is advisable not to start exercise immediately or without taking advice of health consultant or your doctor.

You can start simple exercise like leg stretches and other non stressful exercise to strengthen you pelvic floor muscles and reduce your stomach. Read More..

Healthy Eating for Kids in India

Cow’s milk is the complete nutrition for your child. Like adults, your child’s diet should also include 3 meals and two nutritious snacks every day. Teach him healthy food habits like green vegetables and fresh fruits. You should try to avoid low nutritious food items for your child likes sweet dessert, candies, soft drinks and chips. A proper nutritious diet can reduce large number of medical problems. It also increases the stamina of your child.

A balanced nutritious diet includes a number of facts. Don’t restrict your child to a single food item. Encourage him to eat variety of food. Also include physical activity for balancing the food properly. Nutritious diet includes leafy green vegetables and fresh fruits. Choose a diet moderates in sugars and low in fat. Balanced diet should include food item rich in calcium. Calcium is necessary for meeting the requirements of a healthy growing body.

Make regular exercise and healthy eating habits as a daily routine of your life. Your child will enjoys healthy food habits with the complete family instead of doing it alone. Your child’s body becomes hydrated quickly as compared to others. Ask your child to drink excessive water. Fat is also an essential requirement by the growing children. The child under the age of two should not have the ant fat restriction. Read More..

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Things to be avoided during pregnancy

There are certain activities which are to be avoided when one is pregnant, because a woman does not only have to see to her security but also the young one growing within her. Here are certain things, rather activities which one should avoid during pregnancy.
  • Avoid being around people who smoke and avoid smoking yourself.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol, because this might cause congenital birth defects.
  • Avoid consumption of drugs, it may cause nervous problems and physical malformations in the growing fetus.
  • Avoid consuming too much of caffeine, because this might lead to baby contracting diabetes.
  • Avoid Ice-skiing or water skiing that might be your favorite sports as it puts you in the risk of falling down.
  • Avoid Pressurizing water sports such as “scuba diving” as this might create bubbles in the blood stream and the blood pressure might go high and affect you and the child badly. Read More..

Is Sex Safe for pregnant Woman

During pregnancy, women need to take care of all health related issues for herself and unborn baby. Healthy diet, regular health check ups, exercise can help to keep her fit during pregnancy. One more important question that arises, Is sex safe during pregnancy? There are many reasons for positive answers of these questions.

For normal pregnancy, having a sex is considered safe during pregnancy. Normal Pregnancy means that you did not have any complications or miscarriage previously. It is better to take advice of gynecologist for safety factor. Generally women lost their desire for sex after few months of pregnancy. During pregnancy women have mixed desire of having sex, in such case you and your spouse should understand mutually to maintain sexual relationship by other way such as kiss, embraces, etc.

In what condition sex is not safe?

-    During pregnancy, in oral sex, it is advisable that your partner should not blow air into your vagina because it causes a blood vessel obstruction due to an air bubble. It might be dangerous for mother and baby. Read More...

Pregnancy Week By Week

Pregnancy is calculated from the first day of your Last Menstrual Periodic (LMP) cycle. Your 1st and 2nd week of pregnancy in fact consist of the time of your last menstrual period, ovulation and fertilization but the actual conception takes place roughly at about the 3rd week. The due date for the delivery is generally computed on the 28 days cyclic period. An ultrasound is a most viable source to know the date of your last menstrual period, which in turn helps you in estimating your due date for the delivery too.

Hence, for the calculations it has been determined that pregnancy basically lasts about 40 weeks which includes from the first day of your last period.

The weeks during your pregnancy are generally categorized into 3 trimesters. The trimesters are grouped as follows:

a) I Trimester   –  The 1st trimester starts from your 1st week till the end of your 12th week

b) II Trimester  –  The 2nd trimester starts from your 13th week till the end of your 26th week                       
c) III Trimester –  The 3rd trimester starts from your  27th week till the 40th week  Read More...