Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Healthy Eating for Kids in India

Cow’s milk is the complete nutrition for your child. Like adults, your child’s diet should also include 3 meals and two nutritious snacks every day. Teach him healthy food habits like green vegetables and fresh fruits. You should try to avoid low nutritious food items for your child likes sweet dessert, candies, soft drinks and chips. A proper nutritious diet can reduce large number of medical problems. It also increases the stamina of your child.

A balanced nutritious diet includes a number of facts. Don’t restrict your child to a single food item. Encourage him to eat variety of food. Also include physical activity for balancing the food properly. Nutritious diet includes leafy green vegetables and fresh fruits. Choose a diet moderates in sugars and low in fat. Balanced diet should include food item rich in calcium. Calcium is necessary for meeting the requirements of a healthy growing body.

Make regular exercise and healthy eating habits as a daily routine of your life. Your child will enjoys healthy food habits with the complete family instead of doing it alone. Your child’s body becomes hydrated quickly as compared to others. Ask your child to drink excessive water. Fat is also an essential requirement by the growing children. The child under the age of two should not have the ant fat restriction. Read More..

1 comment:

  1. Useful information you provided.
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